4 Tips for Protecting Your HVAC System During Renovations

Renovating your Mount Pleasant, Texas, home can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, even though renovations can help you create the home that you’ve always wanted, they can also wreak havoc on your HVAC system. The good news is that, by following these tips, you can protect your HVAC system and ensure that it functions properly after you complete everything.

Shut Off the System While You’re Working

Your HVAC system pulls in air from your house, heats it, and returns it into your home through the ductwork. During renovations, the air will become filled with excess dirt and debris. If you leave your system running, this dirty air will be drawn into the system and damage it.

Clean the Area Regularly

Renovations can take anywhere from days to weeks to complete. This means that your home will be filled with dirt and debris that will have plenty of opportunities to get into the system. After you’ve finished your work for the day, make sure to vacuum, dust, and sweep to prevent dust and dirt from building up.

Replace Your Air Filters Often

Your HVAC filter traps debris and dirt that enters the system from your home. If your filter becomes clogged, the airflow will weaken and your system will start working less efficiently. While you’re renovating your home, it’ll trap more debris than usual. To prevent that, you should make sure to change it more frequently. As a result, you’ll keep energy bills under control and also maintain healthy indoor air quality.

Schedule Duct Cleaning After Renovating

While your home is being renovated, a lot of dirt can build up in your air ducts. After you finish the renovations, you should get your ductwork cleaned to keep your HVAC system running smoothly. A proper cleaning will remove the debris and prevent it from re-circulating in your system.

Have you recently finished renovating your home? Contact Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing at 903-285-6550 to schedule a duct cleaning or an HVAC service.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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