Why Is My AC System Producing Hot Air?

Summer energy expenses can be high, so why have a air conditioner that pumps hot air all day? The last thing homeowners want to do this summer is get trapped in their homes with no cool air. Here’s why your AC system in Mount Pleasant, TX, may cause you cooling problems and how to fix them:

Thermostat Settings

An erroneous thermostat setting might be causing warm air to flow out of your air conditioner. It’s easy to forget to set the thermostat to “cool” after the cold season, so double-check it before getting concerned.

It’s also critical to maintain the fan on “auto” instead of “on.” If you have the fan set to “on” but the AC system is off, the fan will continually blow heated air around your Mount Pleasant, TX, home.

Refrigerant Leak

If your air conditioner has a refrigerant leak, it’ll almost certainly blow warm air. A hissing sound emanating from your air conditioner might be the result of a coolant leak in your AC system. If you suspect your AC system has a refrigerant leak, contact a reliable HVAC company right away. Never attempt to repair the refrigerant leak yourself; it’s dangerous.

Dirty Air Filters

Clogged air filters make your air conditioning system work harder to force air through the filter. Reduced airflow hinders your AC system from extracting heat from the air, resulting in it blowing hot air into your home. If you haven’t scheduled a maintenance visit in a while, do so today. You should change your air filters every 30-90 days. Check yours every month and change them when needed.

If your air conditioner is still producing warm air, it’s important to call in the pros. Contact Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing for AC repair in Mount Pleasant, TX. You can relax knowing that your AC system is in capable hands with us. We’ll ensure you enjoy cool air for less this spring and summer.

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