3 Ways to Landscape Around Your AC Installation

Though the desires to have a beautiful yard and stay cool in the summer shouldn’t conflict, they sometimes do. Luckily, homeowners can landscape their yards in a way that doesn’t interfere with their AC installations. Here are three tips you can try to landscape without damaging your new AC installation in Mount Pleasant, TX:

Build a Fence Around the AC System

A stray breeze can easily blow dirt, leaves or a few tiny pebbles into your outdoor AC unit without you knowing. This debris can create obstructions that will hamper the unit’s functioning. As you mow your lawn or perform any sort of landscaping, you may inadvertently kick up dirt, leaves, twigs and bits of grass into the unit as well.

Thus, you should consider creating some kind of barrier that separates your AC installation from the rest of your yard. Even a simple wooden fence would provide some protection, but a thicker stone barrier would be preferable. Rainwater can much more easily flow off the latter than the former.

Give Your AC Installation Some Space

The more plants there are near your AC installation, the more debris will tend to come its way. Even though a fence may counteract some of this risk, it won’t completely eliminate it.

In general, leave at least 3 feet of lateral space and 5 feet of vertical space between your outdoor AC unit and the nearest plant. This way, maintenance service technicians will have an easier time cleaning and tuning up the unit.

Keep Seeds and Fruit Away

Don’t put any seed-bearing plants near your AC installation. Such plants tend to deliberately scatter their seeds or pods, which the wind will blow in various directions.

Once you take precautions like these, you won’t have to worry about inadvertently damaging your AC installation while doing yard work. For help with all other air conditioning issues around Mount Pleasant, TX, call Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing and request our AC repair services.

Image provided by iStock

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