4 Ways a Ductless HVAC System Saves You Money When Renovating

If you’re renovating and want to save money on cooling costs, consider purchasing a ductless HVAC system. Also called a ductless mini-splits, these systems are a cost-effective way of staying cool without spending a lot of money on an energy-laden central air conditioner. Although they also provide heat, you’ll use the system most frequently to cool off during the brutally hot and humid months in Titus County, Texas.

Eliminates Need for Ductwork

One huge benefit to using mini-split systems is that you don’t need to install new ductwork. Ductless HVAC systems don’t rely on ducts; they use outside condensing units and indoor fan coils. Refrigerant comes directly from the outdoor unit through an insulated refrigerant line. You place these units in one room at a time. Since you don’t need to worry about adding ductwork, ductless installation is also easier and faster.

Offers Energy Efficiency

With a ductless HVAC system, you avoid the energy losses that come with a central air conditioner. The U.S. Department of Energy states that duct leaks account for 30 percent of energy consumption when it comes to central air. By eliminating the need for ducts, you end up with a more energy-efficient system. Larger units also use energy during compression when starting up, but you avoid that with a ductless system.

Cools or Heats One Room at a Time

Since the ductless HVAC system only works in the room you install it in, you won’t waste money heating or cooling a room that you’re not using. For central air conditioning systems, if you close off the vents in rooms you don’t use, you risk creating pressure imbalances or microbial growth issues. With a ductless system, you can just close the door to the room you wish to cool and enjoy the comfort.

Reach out to Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing if you’re interested in more information about installing a ductless HVAC system in your home. Contact us at 903-285-6550 to speak with a friendly and knowledgeable service technician.

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