Am I Wasting Money on an Inefficient Furnace?

As winter continues in Mount Pleasant, TX, it’s important to examine your heating system to ensure it’s in good working order. Even if the furnace is operational, it’s critical to ensure it runs properly during the winter. Here are warning indications that your heating system is inefficient:

Low AFUE Value

If you have an outdated heating system, it may only have a 60% AFUE rating. As a result, your furnace converts only 60% of its fuel energy for heating your home, wasting 40% of its energy and rendering it inefficient. It’s best to employ a professional to determine the AFUE rating of your present furnace and assist you in selecting a new system that can save energy and boost efficiency.

Heating a Room Takes Longer

If your heating system has been running for some time and your house is still cold, it could indicate inefficiency among other HVAC problems. Clogged air vents or dirty air filters may block airflow, causing the system to run harder and consume more energy.

High Energy Costs

Inefficient furnaces waste fuel, causing your winter heating expenditures to rise. If your wintertime energy expenditures are rising despite no major temperature decrease or thermostat adjustment, it might be attributable to an ineffective furnace.

Constant Cycling

Frequent cycling indicates an ineffective furnace. If the system is always running to heat your house, a burner or pilot problem might be to blame. In most cases, your furnace should cycle for around 10 to 15 minutes and shut off for approximately 30 minutes before starting again.

Schedule furnace maintenance on a regular basis, preferably at least twice annually, to catch problems early and address them before they worsen. Regular tuneups may help your furnace run more efficiently and last longer. Call Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing immediately for expert heating installation and maintenance.

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