4 Tips for Avoiding Common Water Heater Issues in Hughes Spring, TX
A water heater is one of the common appliances found in many homes. This appliance comes in handy when you want to heat water, but it may also be a nuisance when it breaks down. These are four tips for avoiding common water heater issues in Hughes Spring, TX:
Checking the Plugs
Power fluctuations can lead to short-circuiting, which can damage your water heater. Plugs will aid in the regulation of the power getting into the heater, thus reducing any short-circuiting. It’s advisable to ensure you replace the plug often to ensure that your heater is at optimum working condition.
Replacing the Outlet and Inlet Pipes
Metal pipes are durable and have a higher heat resistance than plastic ones. Installing the metal pipes will cut down the costs involved in the regular replacement of the plastic pipes. Even for metal pipes, you should ensure they don’t rust around the joints, and if they start rusting, you should replace them too.
Scheduling Annual Maintenance
Even though many water heaters come with warranties, it’s advisable to conduct regular maintenance annually. This is one of the ideal ways to detect any arising mechanical problems. Ensure you hire water heater professionals to come and conduct regular maintenance.
Paying Attention to the Pressure Release Valve
If the pressure release valve of your heater is faulty, your heater is likely to break down, and it may cost you a lot to repair it. You should regularly check if this valve is working correctly by releasing some pressure at different intervals.
Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing is a reputable company offering water heater repair services in Hughes Spring, TX. Contact us for water heater repairs and other services, such as HVAC repair, installation, leak detection and plumbing repair. We look forward to helping you.
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