The Difference Our State-Of-The-Art Rotobrush Makes in Duct Cleaning

A growing concern about indoor air pollution is prompting more and more residents in Mt. Vernon, Texas, to investigate duct cleaning. The opportunity to increase the efficiency of central HVAC systems is hugely appealing as well. Before choosing a contractor to perform this valuable service, however, it’s important to know that not all duct cleaners are alike. Discover for yourself why your neighbors prefer the Rotobrush cleaning system over any other method.

The Rotobrush Difference

The industry-leading Rotobrush method uses the HEPA filtration vacuuming equipment recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency for cleaning ductwork. What sets Rotobrush apart is the rotating brush and cable encased within the vacuum hose. Using this system, we can clean and vacuum your ducts in one efficient operation, delivering results that are hard to beat.

A No-Mess Solution

The ability to move dust, debris, and pollutants directly from the ductwork into the vacuum collection device differentiates Rotobrush from other source-removal systems. This effective system helps us to thoroughly clean your ducts with minimal disruption to your home or your busy lifestyle. For an optimal outcome, other critical components in your forced-air system like the blower and vents are vacuumed as well.

Why Cleanliness Counts

When it comes to your respiratory health, it’s the contaminants that are too small to see that pose the greatest risk. Particulate matter less than 10 micrometers left behind by other cleaning methods can be inhaled deep into your lungs and cause serious health problems. Equipped with dual HEPA filters, Rotobrush equipment can capture 99.97% of particles down to 0.3 microns in size.

Rotobrush Duct Cleaning from Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing

Removing accumulated debris from your air-handling system is an effective way to improve indoor air quality and lower your energy expenses. You will also be able to enjoy a cleaner, healthier home. Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing is proud to offer the Rotobrush cleaning system to our customers in Mount Pleasant and the Titus County area. For more information, explore our duct cleaning services or call 903-285-6550.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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