Take Control of Your Energy Use With a Home Performance Evaluation
Minimizing energy use in your Pittsburg, Texas, home isn’t only critical to reducing your carbon footprint. It’s also key to keeping your monthly utility bills low. One way to get a better understanding of how much energy your home uses and wastes is by getting a home performance evaluation. Read on to learn what a home performance evaluation entails.
Initial Consultation
During the initial consultation, your service technician will ask about how the air feels when your system is running. You should point out any areas where you notice hot or cold spots around your home or whether there are rooms with a dust accumulation.
Equipment Inspection
An equipment evaluation comes next. The service technician will check all your appliances for efficiency, dependability and safety. They will check whether you equipment needs maintenance and how long you can expect it to last. They will also check your system’s purification to see if you can improve the indoor air quality.
Insulation Inspection
Even if your equipment is in proper working condition, poor insulation can decrease the overall efficiency of your home. An insulation inspection will reveal any hidden defects or hollow areas where you need new insulation.
Air Leakage Evaluation
The evaluation personnel will check the seals around your doors and windows for air leaks. They will pinpoint where the worst leaks are in your home and recommend ways to fix them. As a result, you’ll prevent wasting energy and save on your monthly bills.
Airflow Diagnosis
Finally, airflow problems can occur in your ductwork where there may be hidden blockages. Any restrictions in the airflow can cause poor efficiency and also make your home less comfortable.
Once the service technician completes the home performance evaluation, they will provide you with a recommendation to improve the efficiency of your house. Ready to have your evaluation conducted? Contact us at 903-285-6550. Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing will be happy to schedule your appointment and help you conserve more energy.
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