4 Signs of a Faulty Heat Pump Compressor in Hughes Springs, TX

The compressor is one of the most important components of your heat pump. It’s responsible for compressing liquid refrigerant into a gas to keep it flowing and absorbing heat. The heat pump in your Hughes Springs, TX, home can’t function without it, so keep an eye out for these four indicators of a faulty compressor.

Strange Noises

A faulty heat pump compressor might make growling, clattering or screeching noises. These noises won’t go away, so call an HVAC repair professional if you hear anything strange from your heat pump.

Vibrating Heat Pump Compressor

In addition to strange noises, a bad heat pump compressor might also vibrate as it strives to reach the desired temperature on your thermostat. This won’t go away on its own either. It’ll likely get worse unless you have your compressor checked by a professional.

Your Heat Pump Doesn’t Start Right Away

Your heat pump might take a while to start if you have electrical issues in your home. But it might also have problems starting if you have a faulty compressor. If your heat pump takes too long to start or fails to start altogether, check your electrical panel to see if there are any tripped circuit breakers.

If everything seems to be in good working order, turn your heat pump off and on to see how it responds. Is it still not working properly? The problem is likely the compressor.

Overheating Heat Pump

Your heat pump can overheat if something damages or clogs the refrigerant lines or condenser coils. These issues can usually prevented with regular maintenance, but they can cause your heat pump condenser to fail completely if they go unchecked.

Simply put, your heat pump will fail if the condenser fails. If you notice these issues or think you need any other heating and cooling services, call Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing right away.

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