4 Indications That You Require a Heating Repair Immediately

Homeowners in Mount Pleasant, Texas, are more than ready for the spring sunshine. But winter isn’t over yet. Although the temperatures have been milder in February, the cloudy and rainy conditions have put a damper on optimism. And that means your heating system is likely still operating at full capacity. To prevent a premature heater replacement and maximize its lifespan, read on to learn about the four indications that you require a heating repair immediately.

Your Furnace’s Pilot Light Burns Bright Yellow

This is an important warning sign, so pay attention! You should be checking your furnace’s pilot light frequently. If you notice it’s burning a steady blue flame, it’s operating as it should. But if you notice it burning bright yellow or flickering, it’s probably producing carbon monoxide. To keep your family safe, turn your furnace off immediately, open your home’s windows and contact a professional HVAC contractor as soon as possible. You need a heating repair.

Your Monthly Energy Bills Have Skyrocketed

To cross-check your energy bills periodically, you should be keeping an archive. If you pay your bills online, you can click through your history easily. Compare your heating bills from this year to last. Are you noticing any major discrepancies? If heating costs haven’t risen in the area, there’s likely an issue with your furnace.

Your Heating System is Making Weird Noises

If you own an older heating system, it definitely makes noises while it shuts on and off. Even newer heaters make slight noises. But if you hear squeals, scrapes and similar sounds during operation, there’s definitely something wrong. To prevent causing further damage, turn the heating system off and schedule a heating repair right away.

Your Home’s Air Quality Has Worsened

Poor indoor air quality can signal any number of issues, including a dirty HVAC filter that needs changing. But it can also indicate a bigger problem with your heating system. If you’re sneezing and coughing more often inside your home without cause, contact an HVAC contractor who specializes in indoor air quality products and services.

Do you require a heating repair? Contact Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing at 903-285-6550 for fast and professional service.

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