Is an HVAC Maintenance Agreement Really Worth the Investment?

An HVAC maintenance agreement will provide you with an air conditioner tuneup every spring. It offers a lot of cost-saving benefits to homeowners in Sulphur Springs, TX. HVAC maintenance will, among other things, save you money that would otherwise go to repairs and high utility bills.

Prevents AC Repairs and Replacements

With HVAC maintenance, you won’t need to request repairs for your air conditioner as often. On the other hand, a poorly maintained air conditioner may break down, leaving you in sweltering heat until someone comes over to fix it.

Because you avoid breakdowns, your AC system won’t wear down so quickly and prematurely. This translates to a longer lifespan. Central air conditioners should last up to 20 years with annual AC maintenance.

Increases Efficiency and Decreases Energy Bills

Maintenance eliminates all the little issues that plague an AC system, such as dirt buildup in the coils, loose wiring and bad valves. This keeps the AC system running efficiently and means you get cool air in a timely manner without paying too much for it. You may notice a decrease in your energy bill, assuming you keep the set point reasonable and don’t run the AC system excessively.

Improves Indoor Air Quality

A well-functioning air conditioner removes humidity from your home, so you can look at maintenance as providing a way to keep your indoor air healthy at a healthy level. After all, high humidity can incite the growth of biological contaminants.

Serving Your Area Since 1960

Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing has decades of experience serving Sulphur Springs, TX, and the surrounding areas. We have several maintenance agreements available for those who need one, so call today. You’ll get the work of fully licensed, bonded and insured service technicians who can expertly work on any type of air conditioner.

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