Does Your HVAC Have Dirty Sock Syndrome?

Dirty Sock Syndrome is a term used to describe air conditioners that give off a foul, mildew-like odor. As the name suggests, homes suffering from Dirty Sock Syndrome can smell like used, musky gym socks. In Naples, Texas, we help homeowners identify the cause of foul air-conditioning odors, keeping those dirty socks at bay.

Dirty Sock Syndrome Causes

Dirty Sock Syndrome is caused by a mold and bacteria buildup on your AC’s evaporator coil. Evaporator coils are susceptible to mold and mildew due to the moisture that builds up through continuous use. If you fail to schedule routine HVAC maintenance or change your air filters regularly, dust and moisture accumulate, resulting in the musty smell.

Recognizing Dirty Sock Syndrome

Not every home that smells like mildew suffers from Dirty Sock Syndrome. You will need to rule out other possibilities before assuming the problem lies in your air conditioner.

For starters, make sure your system drainage pans are empty. If they’re full, empty them immediately and clear any blocked drainage lines. Check your AC’s filter to make sure it’s providing adequate filtration and that it isn’t damp. If it’s dirty or wet, replace it.

After performing these basic tasks, if you still notice the moldy smell coming from your AC, you should contact Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing and let the experts take over from there.

Health Concerns

Many people worry about Dirty Sock Syndrome causing health problems. Fortunately, the musty odor coming from your HVAC system isn’t inherently dangerous. It’s simply caused by mildew and bacteria. However, health problems may arise if mold grows in the system.

Mold in your HVAC system poses a risk to everyone in the household. Most people experience chronic coughing and wheezing, although family members with allergies and asthma may have more severe symptoms. Keep in mind, though, that just because you have Dirty Sock Syndrome doesn’t mean your home is infested with mold.

When in doubt, call in the professionals. Call Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing at 903-285-6550 to schedule your next maintenance appointment and discuss our indoor air quality solutions.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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