How to Get an Expert Quote for Furnace Repair in Mount Vernon
Getting an expert quote begins with having an reputable company like Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing sending out one of our NATE certified technicians to assess the problem. If you are not already one or our annual maintenance customers, this would be a great time to sign up. We take a look at your HVAC equipment in the spring and fall to perform preventative maintenance. If a repair is needed we can spot it so that it does not become an emergency call down the road.
When the first cold weather hits, that’s when we get the most emergency calls. A furnace that is not professionally maintained is the most likely to fail when extreme temperatures hit. Parts that are old or wiring that is showing signs of wear cannot withstand the stress of a really cold night. It might take a bit longer to schedule a technician at this time due to volume. To avoid being inconvenienced, making furnace repairs in the fall, before winter hits is always our best advice.
Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing technicians work on any brand of HVAC equipment but when you call for furnace repair we may find that the unit is older and the money you might spend on repair would be better spent on a new furnace. Technology for heating systems has advanced a great deal in recent years and federal requirements for energy efficiency are much higher now than in years past. Also, a new furnace might be the best plan especially when a warranty has expired. When the work is done you will immediately begin saving on energy bills and with a fresh Bryant Warranty, expensive repairs will be a thing of the past.
We also recommend that a Home Performance Evaluation by ENERGY STAR be provided by our technician as part of the process. It’s a approach that looks at your entire house to improve energy efficiency. Leaky windows or doors can really drive up energy costs and put a lot of stress on your HVAC equipment. Investing in energy efficiency will always save money in the long run and protect the environment.
We are just a call away so that you do not have to struggle through a freezing winter night when your furnace is in need of repair. Let our team take care of all of your comfort needs.