How to Score an A+ on Your Home Performance Evaluation

You dreaded grade evaluations in college, and you’re not a fan of professional evaluations at your current job. But there’s an evaluation that you can ace much more easily. Homeowners in Mount Pleasant, TX, can save on utility costs by scheduling a home performance evaluation. Here’s how you can ace that evaluation and make sure your home is saving as much energy as possible:

What’s a Home Performance Evaluation?

Home performance evaluations, sometimes called home energy audits, are assessments of energy efficiency within your home. During an evaluation, our team of service technicians will inspect the aspects of your home that contribute to potential energy loss, such as your:

  • Insulation.
  • Doors.
  • Windows.
  • Roof.

However, your home’s structure isn’t the only factor contributing to energy loss. Your inspector will also evaluate your energy usage and identify any potential behaviors that are resulting in expensive utility costs. Once our experts have determined problem areas and inefficient habits, they will recommend options for building a more efficient home. That may include installing efficient technology or re-evaluating your habits.

How to Prepare for a Home Performance Evaluation?

You may not be able to quickly change the results of your home performance evaluation. That’s because they’re determined by your energy use over the last year. There are a few ways you can prepare to get the most out of your home performance evaluation, though.

The first thing you can do is contact your electric company and request a summary of the last 12 months of utility bills. You might even be able to find those online. Your energy-efficiency expert will use these bills to determine how much energy your home has used.

You can also prepare for your evaluation by identifying how you use energy in your home. Do you turn the temperature up or down when you leave for the day? It’ll also help to take note of your average thermostat settings.

The more you prepare for your evaluation, the more solutions you’ll receive. As a result, the more you’ll be able to improve your energy use. To schedule your home performance evaluation today, call Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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