3 DIY Tasks That Improve Energy Efficiency

If you’re like most DIY homeowners in Mt. Pleasant, Texas, you’re looking for ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency. While you should enlist the help of a professional for big tasks, certain jobs just require a little time and elbow grease. Here are a few DIY tasks that will help improve energy efficiency immediately:

Seal the Home

Over time, homes develop leaks that allow air to escape, which can drive up your AC bills. Sealing these leaks is your first line of defense against energy loss. Simply remove any old caulk or weather-stripping and replace it as needed. You may first want to walk around the house and take note of any drafts. If the caulking or weather-stripping appears old or cracked, it’s time to replace it.

While resealing the home is important, you can’t always be sure when a house has developed significant leaks. That’s where a professional home performance evaluation comes in handy. A home audit will help you pinpoint which areas need additional insulation or sealing.

Run the Ceiling Fan

Do you run your ceiling fan in conjunction with your air conditioner? Many homeowners don’t and miss out on energy savings. Although it seems counter-intuitive, running your ceiling fans along with your AC system can save money. That’s because fans help circulate the air and create a pleasant windchill effect. Since fans help you feel cooler, you won’t have to run the AC system on its maximum setting.

Upgrade Doors and Windows

Most energy escapes through the doors and windows. If you have an older home and it’s been a while since you’ve made any upgrades, now’s the perfect time to do so. Make sure you choose energy-efficient doors and windows designed to preserve the energy in your home.

Discover more ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency by calling Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing. Our maintenance agreements and indoor air quality services can reduce your utility bills and help your family breathe easier.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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