How Poor Indoor Air Quality Affects Your Family

Having poor indoor air quality in your Winnsboro, Texas, home can affect your family’s health and your wallet. Without proper cleaning services, the air you breathe within your house could be dirtier than the air outside, leading to a variety of health problems.

Exacerbation of Asthma Symptoms

If anyone in your family suffers from asthma, poor indoor air quality will make it more difficult to breathe. The indoor air quality may drop due to the presence of dust mites, mold spores, pet hair and dander, pollen, and other allergens that make asthma symptoms much worse.

Increased Allergies

If you’re at home and experiencing problems like congestion, headaches, sore throats, dry and irritated eyes, and fatigue, try leaving your house to see if the symptoms get better. If they do, you are probably experiencing allergies to what is in the air you breathe. As the HVAC system moves air through the ducts, it contains common allergens that build up over time. Air may recirculate multiple times in one day, so you could breathe those allergens whenever the system runs.

Higher Utility Bills

The heating and cooling systems also have to work a lot harder when the ducts are clogged with dirt, dust, and other debris. As a result, the efficiency will drop and you’ll end up spending more money on utility bills. One way to avoid this problem is to change the filter about once a month. A buildup of dirt and dust on the filter can drop the efficiency by as much as 15 percent. You should also have your ducts cleaned out at least once per year.

The cleanest home can still cause people to experience health and breathing problems if the owners don’t pay close attention to the indoor air quality. People typically spend around half of each day at home, and many of these hours are spent sleeping, so breathing healthy air while you snooze is important. To learn more about indoor air quality or schedule a duct cleaning service, call Wood Air Conditioning & Plumbing Inc. at 903-285-6550.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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